Women Quotes Top 20- Women are mysterious Creatures for the man, even an occasional pain in the ass. It turns out that Women also thought the same about the man. And the guy turns often do not understand women. Quote love this time are the top 20 women quotes that make you inspired about women.
Women Quotes
Women Quotes


"There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments." Chris Rock quotes
"A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. "Eleanor Roosevelt quotes
"Countries with higher levels of gender equality have higher economic growth. Companies with more women on their boards have higher returns. Peace agreements that include women are more successful. Parliaments with more women take up a wider range of issues - including health, education, anti-discrimination, and child support. "Ban Ki-moon quotes
"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." Margaret Thatcher quotes
"Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance". Oscar Wilde quotes
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. Coco Chanel quotes

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Robert A. Heinlein quotes
Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us. Thomas Paine quotes
Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot. Groucho Marx quotes
The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity. Virginia Woolf quotes
No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. Muhammad Ali Jinnah quotes
I used to not like being called a 'woman architect': I'm an architect, not just a woman architect. Guys used to tap me on the head and say, 'You are okay for a girl.' But I see the incredible amount of need from other women for reassurance that it could be done, so I don't mind that at all. Zaha Hadid quotes
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world. Hillary Clinton quotes
Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others. Amelia Earhart quotes
Except for a few guitar chords, everything I've learned in my life that is of any value I've learned from women. Glenn Frey quotes
It's always wonderful to get to know women, with the mystery and the joy and the depth. If you can make a woman laugh, you're seeing the most beautiful thing on God's Earth. Keanu Reeves quotes
Bachelors know more about women than married men; if they didn't they'd be married too. H. L. Mencken quotes
If women ran the world we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days. Robin Williams quotes
Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less. Susan B. Anthony quotes
Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. Charlotte Whitton quotes

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