30+ Short Love Quotes for Her

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Short Love Quotes for Her. Love is profound and love quotes for her can help you show her how much you love her. It can often be difficult to express what is in our heart and to show her how much we care. We want her to know how much we love her, but sometimes we just cannot find the right words. Fortunately, throughout history poets, writers and lovers have been trying to find the perfect words to capture the emotion of love and communicate it to one’s partner.
Sometimes we will come upon another person’s quotes about love for her which precisely expresses how we already feel.
We may feel the need to tell her how much we love her, yet the right words simply may not come to us. It was with this in mind that we created this collection of 30+ Short Love Quotes for Her From the Heart to help you to touch her soul.
Short Love Qutes for Her
Short Love Qutes for Her

30+ Short Love Quotes for Her

  • You are the winner and the sole owner of my heart.
  • No one else matters when I look into your eyes.
  • Your smile is intoxicating. It lingers, it captivates my heart.
  • Time and time again I have to pinch myself when I see you next to me. You are my dream come true.
  • You are the one for me. I have never been so sure of anything in all my life.
  • I have waited so long for the perfect girl and my patience has finally paid off.
  • You can do no wrong in my eyes. You are perfect!
  • Kissing you is my favorite hobby. Holding you is my favorite pastime.
  • Breathtaking should mean YOU in the dictionary.
  • Not so long ago I was alone and lost, and then you came along and I was home. Thank you for finding me.
  • I crown you the Queen of my heart.
  • On this day, I vow to be completely yours forever.
  • Surely, I am being rewarded because I have you.
  • Lying in your loving arms is heaven on earth.
  • You may not be perfect, you are flawed like all humans. But you are perfect to me and that’s all that matters.
  • I promise to handle your heart with care and treasure it with love.
  • No one will ever know how perfect you are to me.
  • You’ll fit perfectly snug in my arms for all eternity, my love.
  • I will walk with you and follow you till the end.
  • The power of your smile should never be underestimated. It melts my heart and touches my soul.
  • My life is magical, wonderful and fantastical because you’re in it. Let’s work on making this a forever thing.
  • My gratitude for having met you is surpassed only by my amazement at the joy you bring to my life.
  • When you love me like that, I melt into honey. Let’s be sweet together.
  • You are, and always have been, my dream girl. Even before I met you, your vision was in my mind just as you are.
  • Between us is one thread: it tied our hearts so we walk close to each other always.
  • In my hands is this heart. I want you to have it, because I’m so clumsy, so I’m afraid I’ll lose it or easily give it to someone else.
  • All of the little things you do warm my heart. You are a constant source of joy in my life.
  • You give me hope in my times of trial, joy in my saddest hours and love in all I do.
  • It never fails. When I am overwhelmed with stress and dark clouds threaten my very being, you walk in, and blast it all away. I don’t know how you do it, but I’ll take it, my love.
  • Without you in my life, I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain.
  • I smile every time I see you. When you return that smile to me, my heart overflows with joy.

Quotes about love and life from Korean Drama 2018

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life and Love quotes from Korean Drama help you to say Her or him and inspiring you about life. Life is not just a routine, a chance for us to devote our potential for others, a chance for us to share joy and sorrow with the people we care about, a chance for us to get to know others, the opportunity for us to serve all mankind, a chance for us loving couple we, our parents, brothers, and love our neighbors, a chance for us to learn and continue to learn about the meaning of life.
romantic Quotes from Korean Drama 2017
romantic Quotes from Korean Drama 2017

Romantic Quotes about love and life from Korean Drama 2017

"Now I realize that if we love someone too deep. So we feel is a bitter taste. "~Charcoal Magistrate quotes~

"It does not matter if you hate it means, you spend one minute in each of your day to think about me" ~I Miss You quotes~

"Everyone has memories of his life, no matter how hard they try. memories will not be erased "~Nice Guy quotes~

"I'll still love you until when I want it" ~Faith quotes~

"You asked me to go, I will go. You asked me to come, I'll come. You Memi demand ng silence me, I'll be quiet. "~Gumiho quotes~

"Men and women are basically the same. Their first love adala the most special for them. "~Love Rain quotes~

"Because I still like you, so I can not love others as much as I like you." ~Playfull Kiss~

"He to me is one that will not be forgotten. Because I smile and laugh too because of him. "~Panda Hedgehog quotes~

"A man should be like a human. Se dogs should be like a dog. And a police officer should be like a cop. "~I Miss You quotes~

"Probably because I like you, so it's so hard for me when I saw you with him." ~Rooftop Prince quotes~

"When you feel sympathy and worry with someone, it means he's really there in your heart" ~ArangMagistrate quotes~

"The temptation can come at any time, although we do not expect" ~Dear You quotes~

"Please stop smiling like that, so I could easily hate you." ~Moon Embraces Sun~

"Although someday I'm like everyone else. But you will always be in my heart like a 'shadow'. "~King 2 Hearts quotes~

"I will follow your wishes, to stop like you and let you go away from me." ~Heartsring quotes~

"You can erase our memories with ease, while I was still so remember that." ~Big quotes~

"Because I was always waiting for you and remember you, so when you mengahampiriku I'm very happy." ~Panda Hedgehog quotes~

"Wonder is in fact not something you should wait, but the miracle is something you should do." ~King Of Drama quotes~

"From now on I will no longer wait for you, even though I'm so fond of you." ~Full House quotes~

"Be like a pot and lid are complementary. Not like a carbon copy each other mutually. "~Playfull Kiss quotes~

"My heart hurts when I try to forget you and when my heart just keep missing you" ~Love Rain quotes~

"If one day I can not hand you again, I just hope you will always remember me in your heart and memory." ~BIG quotes~

"I do not want to get away from you, I want to laugh with you and feel the warmth of your attitude" Step ~Cinderlella Sister quotes~

"I want to feel real love. Meet him, get married and live happily. That is my hope. "~Glory Jane quotes~

"The last time I beg you. Stop running from me because I'm tired of chasing "~Queen Of Reversal quotes~

"He secretly been running left. But you still do not know about it and still love her. "~BIG quotes~

"I love you than yesterday, 1000x more love you" ~A Thousand Day Promise quotes~

"You can not just forget someone that you like, unless you amnesia" ~Thank You quotes~

"He was like a hedgehog. Seem prickly and wounded from the outside but so depressing and easily shed tears of the "~Panda Hedgehog quotes~

"Everyone is free to dream. Even if it seems impossible dream, it does not matter "~Gentlemen Dignity quotes~

"I like it. LEBIT exactly I fell in love with him. I fell in love with him suddenly. "~Love Rain quotes~

"Whatever was in his heart, I still love it" ~Dream high quotes~

"I'm sorry, has been present in your life and make you fall in love with me." ~City Hunter quotes~

"That's you! Rigid and inflexible. Very boring. "~City Hunter quotes~

"A way of life like this, how can I tell you that I love you." ~City Hunter quotes~

Ok thus romantic uotes about love and live from korean drama, may be help you to inspiring and to say Her or him about love.

Motivational Quotes about Never Give up 2018

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Motivational Quotes about Never Give up. Have you ever heard the lyrics of indonesia, entitled "don't give up" of Dmasiv whose contents are more or less as follows:
"No human Born perfect,
Don't you later regret All that has happened, We must never Get a tough ordeal As if life is Mindless again"
In addition to the above the following is an excerpt of the song best of world figures that you can make the inspiration that you do not have to give up.

Motivational Quotes about Never Give up

"Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine." Jack Ma quotes
Motivational Quotes about Never Give up
Motivational Quotes about Never Give up

"Never, never, never give up." Winston Churchill quotes

"Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds." Marta quotes

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." Harriet Beecher Stowe quotes

"If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds." Jesse Jackson quotes

"Don't quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can't see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It's the one that makes the sweetest sound". Simon Sinek quotes

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." Harriet Beecher Stowe quotes

"The secret of our success is that we never, never give up." Wilma Mankiller quotes

"Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn't cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older". Kris Kristofferson quotes

"You should never give up your inner self. Clint Eastwood
Never give up, and never give in". Hal Newhouser quotes

"Never quit believing that you can develop in life. Never give up. Don't deny the inward spirit that provides the drive to accomplish great things in life". Jon Huntsman, Sr.quotes

"One thing that was passed on from generation to generation in my family, over seven generations in 200 years, was never give up. That's the way we live." Nik Wallenda quotes

"When something really matters, you should never give up or give in." Gordon Brown quotes

"Never give up, have the passion. Don't be afraid". Barbara Broccoli quotes

"My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories". Bjorn Borg quotes

after read thus quotes dont forget to share :)

The Best Quotes about Relationship 2018

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Best Love, live Quotes about Relationship- On the off chance that people would have the natural trademark to be distant from everyone else and glad, maybe the populace would be significantly less and every one us would involve our very own island. Be that as it may, luckily and tragically, we are exceptionally advanced people, for whom to love and to be adored is an extremely fundamental need. Subsequently being seeing someone an alternative which we do pick, to guarantee our "Joyfully ever after life."
The Best Quotes about Relationship 2017
The Best Quotes about Relationship 2017

This is What Being In A Relationship Really Means :

In any case, with time just the relationship is abandoned, with next to zero satisfaction. This happens on the grounds that we have a tendency to overlook what a relationship truly implies.
  • Having confidence, opportunity and fellowship
  • Giving and getting the time
  • Being Patience
  • Having the capacity to Share
  • Being the Strength
  • Cherish
  • Acting naturally
  • Being simply the best form
  • Permitting yourselves to miss each other
Ok i will Share the best quotes about Relationship 2017

The Best Quotes about Relationship 2017

"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship". Buddha quotes

"Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you're in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad". Nick Cannon

" There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. Martin Luther
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness". Friedrich Nietzsche quotes

"I think it's important to have closure in any relationship that ends - from a romantic relationship to a friendship. You should always have a sense of clarity at the end and know why it began and why it ended. You need that in your life to move cleanly into your next phase". Jennifer Aniston quotes

"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were". Richard Bach quotes

"Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for". Bob Marley quotes

"In finding love, I think it's important to be patient. In being in a relationship, I think it's important to be honest, to communicate, to respect and trust, and to strive to give more than you take". Kina Grannis quotes

"There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love". Bryant H. McGill quotes

"Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship". Margaret Mead quotes

"But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls". Khalil Gibran quotes

"Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you." Walter Winchell quotes

"We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity". Barbara De Angelis quotes

"Caresses, expressions of one sort or another, are necessary to the life of the affections as leaves are to the life of a tree. If they are wholly restrained, love will die at the roots. Nathaniel Hawthorne
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation". Plato quotes

"I'm lucky in having found the perfect partner to spend my life with". Sara Paretsky quotes

"I've stepped more into my womanhood, I'm a mother now, I'm having a beautiful relationship as a wife and as a friend". Alicia Keys quotes

"Life is relationship, living is relationship. We cannot live if you and I have built a wall around ourselves and just peep over that wall occasionally. Unconsciously, deeply, under the wall, we are related". Jiddu Krishnamurti quotes

"We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all". Eleanor Roosevelt quotes

Motivational Quotes about troubles 2018

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Motivational Quotes about troubles
Motivational Quotes about troubles
"Be grateful. Because sometimes the trouble takes us on a better outcome than what we imagine"
-Motivational Quotes about troubles-

Romantic love quotes Movie to Help Say love to her/him 2018

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Romantic love quotes Movie Options. This romantic love quotes taken from Hollywood movies. We go to you to inspire romantic love in life you so that you gain the love and romance to your partner. Romantic love quotes this will add your insights on the meaning of love. Here's the quotes:
Romantic love quotes Movie Options 2016
Romantic love quotes Movie Options 2016

Romantic love quotes Movie Options

I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is. - Forrest Gump
You see I never stopped loving you, even though I couldn’t see you. - The End Of The Affair
I promise I’ll come back for you. I promise I’ll never leave you. - The English Patient
Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another. - Emma
I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. - Lord of the Rings
I love you even when you’re sick and look disgusting. - Love Actually
When love feels like magic, you call it destiny. When destiny has a sense of humor, you call it serendipity. - Serendipity
When you love someone, and you love them with your heart, it never disappears. - Forget Paris
Destiny is something we’ve invented because we can’t stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental. - Sleepless in Seattle
I love you. You’re my only reason to stay alive. - The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Romantic Love Quotes to Say for Her and Him 2018

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Romantic Love Quotes Love is a feeling given by the Lord on a pair of humans to each other .... (love each other, had each other, complementary, mutual understanding etc.). Love itself can not be enforced at all, love can only be run when the 2 sides do "mutual" ... love is not able to walk when they are self-serving. Because in dealing, couples we definitely wanted more attention and it could only be in the sense of a mate.
Romantic Love Quotes
Romantic Love Quotes
Love is to give love instead of chain. Love also could not be imposed and any oncoming sometimes are not in purpose. Love is beautiful however the abandonment of pain sometimes lasts longer than love itself. The limits of love and hate is also very thin but with love world we living seemed lighter.
The following excerpt of love can help you express the words i love you to him.

Extreme Love Quotes to Say for Her and Him 2017

"Liza, I love you more than any words can say. You have made me a complete person. You are everything to me. And I cannot think of living life without you. And I love you forever. "David Gest quotes

"I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else." John Keats quotes

"She still talks to me now, only now she talks to me in my dreams. And I can't wait to go to sleep tonight because we have a lot to talk about. I love you." Jamie Foxx quotes

"I try to make everything I write a little bit different. Those songs that go, 'I love you so much and you love me,' they're boring. If I'm going to write a love song, it's going to be a little bit tortuous." Jane Wiedlin quotes

"The regret of my life is that I have not said 'I love you' often enough." Yoko Ono quotes

"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you." Eric From

"I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit." Khalil Gibran quotes

"I'm nutty bunny number two. I love me and I love you." Mark McKinney quotes

"I love you - I am at rest with you - I have come home." Dorothy L. Sayers quotes

"I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies". Pietro Aretino quotes

"I love you, what star do you live on?" Conrad Aiken quotes

"If I love you, I show you I love you every day. Little things, big things." Dwayne Johnson quotes

"You are the eternal France, I love you" .Nicolas Sarkozy quotes

Ok Thus is extreme Love quotes to say " I Love you " her or him 2017, may be inspiring you

15 Best Love Quotes for Wife

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39 Love Quotes for Wife, my Friends Don't sit tight just for commemorations, Valentine's Day and birthdays to compose a sentimental quote for her. Make her vibe like a ruler by sending her sweet messages on an arbitrary day. In the event that messaging is not your thing, compose something adorable on a note or a welcome card.
15 Best Love Quotes for Wife
15 Best Love Quotes for Wife
Even better, label her in the most marvelous tweet you've conveyed in a while. Notwithstanding how long have gone by in your marriage, it is never past the point where it is possible to begin uncovering your sentiments. She won't not state this to you, but rather inside each lady is a young lady who aches to be charmed and spoiled. Try not to underestimate her and demonstrate your better half that you are in fact, the cherishing spouse that she envisioned you to be.

39 Best Love Quotes for Wife

  • If I was granted just one wish, I would ask for a longer life. The number of years I am destined to live on this planet may not be enough for me to tell you how much I love you. Inspirational love quote message for her him
  • Falling in love with you is the moment I got a cause to fight for and a reason to live for. I love you.
  • Despite the ups and downs, I have absolutely no regrets in life because it all led me to you. I love you.
  • I don’t need to add sugar in my coffee because your kisses are all the sweetness I need in my life. xoxo
  • If you replace L in life with W, you get wife. That is because life isn’t worth living without a lovely wife like you. I love you darling.
  • No matter how hard and punishing a day has been, I know I’m going home to the most beautiful person there has ever been. I love you.
  • Happiness is the tickle I get deep down in my soul, when we kiss. I love you.
  • From dating to wedding and from mortgage to kids, life has been a beautiful ride because I had you by my side, through it all. I love you.
  • I feel like I am drowning every single day and your kisses are my life-saving gasps of air. I love you.
  • The doctor told me that antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are important for my longevity. But my heart believes that all it needs are your hugs and kisses. xoxo
  • I may have made some stupid mistakes in my life. But everything became right ever since the day you became mine. I love you.
  • Had fate not made you my life, there would be no point living my life. I love you.
  • My love for you is like a delightful mix of addiction, dependency, need and obsession. xoxo
  • People get high on tequila shots, while I get high on you. I love you.
  • Our wedding hasn’t drastically flipped my life upside down. But it has definitely become free of frowns. I love you.
  •  Researchers, miners and explorers who spend millions on finding the world’s most precious gems are fools. They don’t know that I have stolen it already and it is called YOU. I love you sweetheart.
  • I wish I could invent a new language of love. Words in the English dictionary are not enough to express how much I love you.
    Early mornings and late nights are the best part of my day because I get to kiss my wife Good Morning and Good Night. I love you.
  •  I will never need an energy drink to give myself a boost, as long as I see that luscious smile on your beautiful face. I love you.
  •  Your beautiful face is like a bright sun. I could pass out if I looked at it too long. I love you.
  •  My love for you knows no time and place. My heart starts thumping every time I see your beautiful face. I love you.
  •  When I fell in love with you, I didn’t just give you my heart. I gave you the remote control of my entire life. I love you darling.
  •  It doesn’t matter if my eyes are open or close. They’re always looking at you. I love you.
  •  Ever since the day we got married I have felt that I am living in heaven, because I have an angel by my side. I love you.
  •  From fixing my wrongs to adding value to my rights, you’ve made life a journey worth all the troubles. I love you.

Funny Quotes about work

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Funny Quotes about work
"The heavy work will feel lighter, if not done"
-Cak Lontong Funny Quotes-

40 Deep Love Quotes for Husband

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Love Quotes Messages for Husband: Unless you express your adoration for your better half, he will never know how you feel for him. Sweet seemingly insignificant details like leaving Love Quotes notes in his shirt stash, posting adorable quotes on Facebook, Such sentimental motions can turn into the establishment of the closeness in your relationship as a couple.
40 Best Love Quotes for Husband
40 Best Love Quotes for Husband
Romantic Love Quotes for husband, On the off chance that it is an uncommon event like your wedding commemoration or his birthday, go one stage forward and compose a sincere message on a welcome card to purport your affection for him with style and greatness.

40 Deep Love Quotes for Husband

  1. Everything in my life revolves around a single thought – how I can keep you happy, because I love you a lot.
  2. Some of the most precious moments of my life have been the ones in which I’ve held your hand and cuddled in your arms. I love you.
  3. The perfect husband as described by magazines doesn’t exit. That’s because he has already been taken – by me. I love you.
  4. All the men in this world should learn a thing or two, about being a perfect husband from you. I love you sweetie.
  5. I love you not just because you are my husband but because I know that you always wish the best for me. Thanks.
  6. I could tell you that you are a loving husband, wonderful father or a great husband. But you are much more than that – an example of a perfect man. I love you.
  7. Your love is… sweet and exciting, heartwarming and tingling, passionate and sensational, protective and inspirational, warm and funny, cute and cozy, hot and luscious, charming and delicious. I love you.
  8. Monday morning blues have become colorful, boring weekends have turned fun, Xbox has become interesting, cooking has become romantic and watching the TV has become a lot more cozier in the arms of a husband like you. I love you.
  9. I love you so much that I would have married you even if you were a rock.
  10. The additional responsibilities of marriage, being a good wife and a caring mother were never a burden on my shoulder because your strong shoulders were always there to support me. I love you darling.
  11. I can stop indulging in chocolate, but never in you. I love you.
  12. I love living life with you and I live life for loving you. I love you.
  13. The woman who said that all men are the same, obviously never met a man as handsome and loving as you are. I love you.
  14. You are like a wonderful kaleidoscope – every time I look into your eyes, I see a beautiful, radiant, magical, perfect and colorful future. I love you.
  15. Becoming complacent has been the only downside of having a husband like you because there is nothing more I have ever wanted from life since the day I fell in love with you.
  16. You are more handsome than a Greek god, more generous that a billionaire, more attractive than a Hollywood heartthrob, more caring than anyone else in the world – you are perfect. I love you.
  17. Our love singes with passion and sensation. Our marriage hinges on care and affection. I love you.
  18. It is good to have a husband who forgives you for your past. It is even better to have a husband who does not mind the mistakes you make in your present. But it is best to have a husband who forgets everything and wants to give you a bright future – just like the hubby that you are. I love you.
  19. You are like a warm cuppa on a rainy afternoon, popcorn while watching a movie, rainbow during a thunderstorm, smile during stressful times, hammock on a beach and a sauna after a hectic week. You are the love, care and comfort of my life. I love you.
  20. If I knew that all my wishes in life were going to be fulfilled on my wedding day, I wouldn’t have bothered putting so many socks on my bedside all throughout my childhood. Thanks, I love you.
  21. The word wishlist doesn’t exist in my dictionary anymore, for life has already fulfilled mine by giving me an awesome husband like you. I love you.
  22. Every single day that I spend being your wife, I realize how lucky I am to live such an amazing life. I love you.
  23. If my life was a ship, you would be the anchor that holds me in place and the sails which take me on a beautiful journey. I love you.
  24. My life’s biggest security is not just in loving you, but in knowing that you will always be there to love me back no matter what. I love you baby.
  25. It doesn’t matter who the boss of this house is, as long as we end the day with a romantic kiss. I love you.
  26. If my life were a business, entering into an unconditional and irrevocable partnership with you has been the most profitable decision ever. I love you.
  27. Your love for me is flawless, your commitment impeccable. Your only concern is my happiness, you make me feel so special. I love you.
  28. Amidst the suffocation caused by life’s problems, your love comes as a breath of fresh air. I love you.
  29. My life’s biggest achievement is that I get to be with an awesome man like you every day. I love you.
  30. There should have been a cautionary warning below your name in our marriage certificate that reads – Beware of Hot Husband. I love you.
  31. Hours, days, months, years and decades can go by, but I will never forget the moment when you held me in your arms, looked into my eyes and whispered I Love You in my ears – it still gives me the shivers. I love you.
  32. From all of life’s troubles, you have given me bail. My life has become, a lovely fairytale. I love you.
  33. I could easily say that I love you to death, but I really want to live forever to love you eternally.
  34. Much more than just attraction, lust and passion, our marriage embodies honesty, care and affection. Love you.
  35. The best part of our marriage is that the look in your flirty eyes still makes me feel like the most beautiful girl alive. I love you.
  36. Who cares if opposites attract or not? Even if we weren’t opposites, I would’ve still loved you a lot.
  37. Every day of my life is perfect because it starts and ends with loving you. I love you.
  38. I make our marriage organized, you make it outstanding. I make our married practical, you make it perfect. I keep it grounded, you give it wings. I love you.
  39. I need to start the morning with it and end the day with it. It’s not coffee, but my husband’s kiss. I love you.
  40. You have been my hottest crush, awesome date, sexiest boyfriend and passionate lover. All this put together makes you the most perfect husband ever. I love you.

300+ Wonderful Husband Quotes 2018

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Wonderful Husband Quotes. Helo my friends, If your husband treats you like the queen that you are, show your love for him by sharing in a text, email or online one of our 300+ awesome quotes for your husband.
Wonderful Husband Quotes 2018
Wonderful Husband Quotes 2018

300 + Wonderful Husband Quotes 

#1-100 Deep Husband Quotes
  1. Yes, I was in love with my husband at first sight and still I am. We have the most solid relationship.
  2. My heart is perfect because..you are inside.
  3. Nothing says “home” like the arms of my husband.
  4. My husband may not be perfect but he is perfect for me.
  5. I am absolutely positive that I have the best husband ever.
  6. You put your arms around me and I’m home.
  7. Spending my life with you can be discussed in only two words. Beautiful memories and priceless moments. That is all I need for a happy life.
  8. I will never find words to explain that how much I love you. I am proud of you and just want to be with you the rest of my life.
  9. I’m so freaking PROUD of you. I need you to love me a little louder today.
  10. My husband is one of my greatest blessings from god. His love is a gift that I open every day.
  11. If my life was a ship, you would be the anchor that holds me in place and the sails which take me on a beautiful journey.
  12. I love my husband. I believe in him, and I am proud of his accomplishments.
  13. I am proud of my Husband. B’coz of him, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more.
  14. I am so proud of my husband. He is truly one of a kind. A real man. I’m blessed to have him.
  15. I didn’t know that it was possible to fall in love over and over, deeper and deeper, with the same person every day. I am proud of you, honey.
  16. Do you know what the best thing about this world is? It is being your wife!
  17. I am a proud wife of an imperfect perfect husband. He is the only one in this world who can tolerate my madness.
  18. If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.
  19. Life without you would be like a broken pencil..pointless.
  20. I’m a proud wife of a wonderful husband.
  21. I cannot possibly think of loving anyone else the way I love you. You are my life, I cannot imagine my life without you.
  22. Every time I look at the keyboard, I see that U and I are always together.
  23. Without you, I’m nothing. With you, I’m something. Together, we’re everything.
  24. We may fight like cats and dogs, but we never really stay angry for too long. You such a precious find my husband.
  25. There is a guy who stole my heart and he calls me his wife with love.
  26. Every day is a grand day for me most particularly when I am with you.
  27. Your sweet voice can take away all my sadness. Your smile gives me hope. It’s a magical feeling knowing that we are meant to be. It doesn’t matter what took you so long to arrive in my life. I am so much blessed with joy you brought to my life.
  28. By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me. Thank you for everything.
  29. I believe in you, so very PROUD of you. Don’t ever give up, you can do it.
  30. My Husband is..my best friend, my greatest support, my biggest comfort, my strongest motivation, my truest smile, my deepest love, my favorite and my forever.
  31. Any home can be a castle when the king and queen are in love.
  32. God sent him to me knowing that he would love me beyond reason.
  33. You make me feel so proud of being in love with you.
  34. You are truly a blessing from God. Thank you for being my partner, husband, lover and friend.
  35. My only nightmare is waking up in a world where you’re not mine.
  36. The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.
  37. If someone asked me to describe you in just 2 words, I’d say..Simply Amazing. I am proud of you.
  38. My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.
  39. Dictionary is incomplete because it doesn’t have a word which can describe how much I love you.
  40. When I look in your eyes I see my life. I want to be your everything meaning yes your wife. No matter the situation, I’ll stay by your side.
  41. When a wife has a good husband it is easily seen in her face.
  42. I am very proud to call you my friend, Happy to call you my lover and blessed to call you my Husband.
  43. My husband’s biggest flaws are ‘He works too hard’ and ‘He’s too nice’. I’m a proud wife!!
  44. Every moment of my life is so special for me, because I have a wonderful, caring and truly special person by my side. I am so happy that you are my husband.
  45. I have this strangest feeling that I might have loved you already before in our past lives. Some memories flash before my very eyes. As if it is history replicating itself.
  46. Be with someone who is proud to have you.
  47. You’re my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace.
  48. Life isn’t perfect but every second with you is.
  49. The key to building a strong relationship with your significant other means falling in love with them over and over again.
  50. If I would die tomorrow, I would die happily because I got opportunity to live with a honest person like you.
  51. Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.
  52. One day I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.
  53. You have no idea how I feel when you are around me. I look up to you as an ideal husband because you always support me in my difficult times.
  54. There are so many things my heart wants to say to you, all of which can be summed up in just three words – I love you.
  55. Everyone has a past, but only a few lucky ones like me have life partners who help heal the wounds of yesterday and give wings for a happier tomorrow.
  56. Without you, I would have been lost somewhere in the race of life.
  57. Thanks is not enough to balance out what you have done for me. I am proud to be your Wife. You are the best.
  58. I fought you, you made up. I argued you, you agreed. I cried, you reassured. I loved you and you loved me back even more.
  59. Every single day that I spend being your wife, I realize how lucky I am to live such an amazing life.
  60. Your spouse is a gift that you never stop unwrapping.
  61. Thanks for taking the word WORRY out of my vocabulary and replacing it with HAPPINESS. I am so glad to have you my better half.
  62. A lot of people say that marriage is a big responsibility. But thanks to you, because our marriage is a blessing.
  63. You have never abandoned me even in the darkest hour. You have stayed strong and given me strength too. You are the best thing in my life. I am so lucky to have you as my husband.
  64. My soul blooms when I remember the moment when I kissed a frog, and it turned into a handsome prince, you are the king of my heart, I am proud of you.
  65. I am proud of you because you have made my life more beautiful than Heaven. Thanks darling.
  66. Every girl hopes to have a perfect husband. But none of them know that the perfect one has already been taken – by me!
  67. My husband is the most patient, kind, forgiving, compassionate, funny, sweet, adorable, handsome, protective and hard worker I have ever met in my life. I am so grateful that I have the privilege of being called his wife.
  68. I am ready to argue with anyone, who says that perfection does not exist because perfection is you.
  69. Yes I do depend on a man. My husband and I are a team. He depends on me and I depend on him. We support each other. That’s how marriage is supposed to work.
  70. I am proud of my husband because he never reminds me of my past sorrows.
  71. I am so proud to call you my husband. I love you more with each passing day.
  72. Dear Hubby, I would rather have bad times with you than good times with another person. I would rather stand beside you in a storm than be apart in good weather.
  73. Choosing to spend the rest of my life with you is the wisest choice I have made in my life. You are my refuge, my comfort, and my happiness. There is nothing more I wanted in this life!
  74. Your love gives me wings, I’m so proud and excited to be your wife.
  75. If every woman had a husband like you, all the divorce lawyers would be out of work.
  76. A good wife is a reflection of a good husband. My friends envy me for being a happy and contented wife, and that won’t be possible if not for you, my dear.
  77. You give me strength and courage to pursue my dreams, and you treat me like a queen. I am proud to have you as my husband. I love you.
  78. What is known as romance and love in novels, is actually commitment and sacrifice in real life. Our story is a timeless and beautiful example, of what it takes to be husband and wife.
  79. My hubby, we have achieved the highest level of love – friendship, I do not need anybody but you, you can replace for me the whole world, but no one will replace you; I am proud of everything you do.
  80. The greatest achievement of my life was becoming your wife. I love you!
  81. Thanks for blending the right amount of FRIENDSHIP with LOVE, ROMANCE and COMPANIONSHIP to create a beautiful potion called our MARRIAGE.
  82. You are not just my husband. Your love is the ray that lights up my life and the water that quenches my soul’s thirst.
  83. You are my anchor, my safe harbor during a storm.
  84. Husband, when I lay my head on your chest, I listen to your heartbeat and the only thing I can hear is my life.
  85. You are the reason for my happiness, for my tears of joy, you have never distressed me, and once again I’m ready to tell you how much I love you, appreciate and respect. You are the best, and I am proud of you.
  86. A good Husband wipes her tears, but a great Husband listens to the story of why she’s crying.
  87. I am proud of every tiny things you were doing for me with love.
  88. The most wonderful thing I decided to do was to share my Life & Heart with you sweet heart.
  89. I love being my Husband’s wife and I am proud of it.
  90. If I had my life to live over again..next time I would find you sooner so that I could LOVE you longer.
  91. Life is better with your best friend, that’s why I Married mine!
  92. All the riches, the fortune and the luxuries in this world compare nothing to the wealth of having you as my husband. I am proud of you dear!
  93. No matter how expensive the pillow is it could never be as comfortable as my Husband’s shoulder.
  94. I fly high in the sky when my husband calls me beautiful like it’s my name..
  95. You fill the empty space in my heart. I am complete because of you.
  96. You are like a wonderful kaleidoscope – every time I look into your eyes, I see a beautiful, radiant, magical, perfect and colorful future. I love you.
  97. Monday morning blues have become colorful, boring weekends have turned fun, Xbox has become interesting, cooking has become romantic and watching TV has become a lot more cozier in the arms of a husband like you.
  98. I wanna be the reason behind your smile, cause surely you’re the reason behind mine. I feel proud of you.
  99. Every day of my life is a blessing because it starts and ends with you.
  100. Dear Husband, I love living life with you and I will live life for loving you.
#Wonderful Husband Quotes
  •  “My husband is my friend, my greatest support, my biggest comfort, my strongest motivation, my truest smile, my deepest love, my favorite, my forever. He has me. Entirely.”
  • “My husband has made me laugh. Wiped my tears. Hugged me tight. Watched me succeed. Seen me fail. Kept me strong. My husband is a promise that I will have a friend forever.”
  • “God gave me my husband so we could weather the storms of life together.”
  • “Baby I’m yours and I’ll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, until the rivers all run dry. In other words, until I die.”
  • “I cannot promise you an easy life, or that I will not disappoint you. I cannot promise that I will be the perfect wife. But I can promise you that I will choose to love you every day.”
  • “I trust you, but not because you are my husband. The reason I trust you is because you are the epitome of everything that a man should be.”
  • “Your love is the strength that drives me to do everything for this family. You are the armor that shields me from tears. I love you so much!”
  • “I ask myself every day… How did I get so lucky to marry my friend in this world.”
  • “The very first moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew our hearts were meant to be. You are my courage, my angel. You are my soldier, you saved me. I love you.”
  • “You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart.”
  • “I want to inspire my husband. I want him to look at me and say: because of you I didn’t give up.”
  • “My husband is a great leader even if he isn’t leading the way I want him to.”
  • “Husbands too, deserve to be spoiled. Told they are handsome. Told their efforts are appreciated and should also be made to feel secure. If he is doing his to treat you like a queen, do your to treat him as a King. His need to feel loved and appreciated is REAL.”
  • “Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right and the other is the husband!”
  • “I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.”
  • “In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.”
  • “A man’s success is measured by what his wife and children say about him. Money and accomplishments mean nothing if you let your home fail.”
  • “Thank you for being you… for sharing your love with me, for inspiring me to accept myself, for helping me see the unique beauty in imperfection, for showing me that love is something you do, something not just to be said but also to be shown.”
  • “Every day I spend with you, becomes the new day of my life.”
  • “Husband and wife relationships are like the relationship of Tom and Jerry. Though they are teasing and fighting, but can’t live without each other.”
  • “You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours.”
  • “Home is where my husband is.”
  • “No relationship is ever perfect and I know I’m far from perfect but as long as you’re willing to try I’m willing to stay through anything.”
  • “You are my always & forever. My happily ever after. My soulmate. My friend. My dream come true. My one & only. My shoulder to lean on. My heart to melt into. My husband. My everything. For always!”
  • “Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.”
  • “When I first met you, I honestly didn’t know you were gonna be this important to me.”
  • “Love you yesterday. Love you still. Always have always will.”
  • “The only thing better than having you for a husband is our children having you for a daddy.”
  • “Yes, I do depend on a man. My husband and I are a team. He depends on me and I depend on him. We support each other. That’s how marriage is supposed to work.”
  • “I choose you. And I’ll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.”
  • “Materialistic things do not impress me. Your soul does.”
  • “My husband’s biggest flaws are: 1. He works too hard 2. He’s too nice. I’m a lucky girl!”
  • “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” – Leo Christopher
  • “No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that.”
  • “I look at you and I’m home. I see nothing worse than to be without you because with you my soul feels complete, you are the other half of me and I love you. You are my home no matter where that is.”
  • “How amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head.”
  • “How can you give me so much strength and yet still be my only weakness.”

 300+ Wonderful Husband Quotes 

  • “A strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It is a husband and wife who take turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.” – Ashley Willis
  • The decision to marry you was the wisest decision in my life and our wedding was the happiest event for me, you are a part of me, my dearest and beloved man.
  • The half of our lives we spent apart, so we were not happy, but now we build a common future, in which there will be only happiness, love and laughter of children. I love you, my hubby.
  • Do you know what happiness means to me? Happiness is to wait for you after a hard working day, to cook a delicious dinner, to take care of you when you are sick and to support you in moments of triumph. From now on, we have a common destiny and one heart for two.
  • I decided to send this text message just as a reminder that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I do not take your love for granted, and every day I thank God for our fateful meeting.
  • Do you know why every day I shine with happiness? My day starts superbly – with a cup of coffee and your kisses, and it ends no less wonderfully – I fall asleep in your arms, my only wish is to be with you forever.
  • I have entrusted you my heart, soul, and body, and you lived up to my expectations. I am proud to say that I am the wife of the best husband in the world!
  • I saw thousands of people and I have met different men, but only you have touched my heart and went deep into my soul. You stole my peace and became my greatest happiness.
  • I thought that you could not be more sensitive, gentle and affectionate with me, but you surprise me every day; together with you time flies and it doesn’t matter how much time we spend together – it won’t be enough for me. I love you.
  • You have managed to kiss my soul and to win my heart. Such men like you don’t exist anymore and I’m really happy that I was lucky to become your wife.
  • So many years have passed, and we are as happy as on our wedding day, the theory of Frederic Beigbeder was not confirmed in our union, since we are bound by ties of true love, and it lives forever! I love you with all my heart.
  • You are the reason for my happiness, for my tears of joy, you have never distressed me and once again I’m ready to tell you how much I love you, appreciate and respect. You are the best.
  • The decision to send the text message was spontaneous, I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I appreciate everything that you do for me and for our family.
  • My dear hubby, you have done something, for what I’ll always be grateful to you, you gave me a gift – a new life, which is a continuation of our love. You are the sense of my life.
  • Thank you for loving me, for believing in me and for making me feel so special. I will try to be worthy of you.
  • You know, I feel sorry for other women, because they are looking for the perfect husband, but they won’t find him since he has already married to me. I am crazy in love with you.
  • My hubby, we have achieved the highest level of love – friendship, I do not need anybody but you, you can replace for me the whole world, but no one will replace you.
  • I love you – these three words transmit only a part of my feelings for you, the mankind has not invented words, which would help me to express the whole range of my feelings for you. You are a wonderful husband, a perfect person, and a devoted friend.
  • When I’m with you, I’m not afraid of anything in this world, except one thing – my fear is not to see your eyes and not feel the warmth of your hands. You have made my life complete.
  • Though I’m not a princess, but you turned my life into a fairy tale. My love for you is boundless.
  • Do you know what is the most important role for women? This role is a mother and a wife, I was fortunate to be infinitely happy being your wife and the mother of our wonderful children. Thank you for this, I love you.
  • I am ready to argue with anyone, who says that perfection does not exist because perfection is you. Love you, hubby.
  • Your love gives me wings, I’m so proud and excited to be your wife.
  • My love for you does not depend on age, time of the year or the distance between us. I loved you, I love and will love even stronger, my dear.
  • Yesterday I loved you, today I adore you, tomorrow I will love you even stronger and I cannot live a day without you.
  • My heart still flutters from the memories of the day when you called me your wife. With you I’m not afraid of any troubles, for you, I’ll go to the edge of the earth.
  • Death in one day is not an indicator of great love, but to live the whole life with one person, to share the joys and sorrows together and to maintain warm feelings in the heart is a sign of true love. I am sure that our love is true.
  • My desire today was to send a text message as a small compliment. Loving, caring, passionate, candid – these words are only a small fraction of those words, which can describe you. My hubby, you are wonderful and I love you madly.
  • I have always known that by choosing you as my husband I have chosen the way of happiness, luck, immense tenderness and love. You are all that I could ever dream of.
  • So many years have passed, but you’re still the same nondescript man with a generous soul, who won my heart. I love you!
  • Today is our special day and I decided to send you this text message – it is nice to know that you think I’m crazy, but who is really crazy, it’s you because you have married me.
  • Darling, even a baby is jealous of your sleep, I wish I could sleep so peacefully, but I’ll be your angel, who will watch over your sleep. I love you madly.
  • My hubby, the fact that I am resentful, does not mean that I no longer love you, my emotions are changeable, but my love for you is constant. I live for you.
  • My soul blooms when I remember the moment when I kissed a frog and it turned into a handsome prince, you are the king of my heart, I love you.
  • I used to think that it is impossible to give up chocolate, until I have met you, I adore you, my hubby.
  • Dear, today you pleased me and you were a magical fairy and have washed all the dishes. I appreciate your help, you are the best, I love you.
  • You have promised that I will have a friend forever and so I asked to buy me a puppy. You are the most caring husband in the world!
  • To send you a message wasn’t easy for me, but I hope you didn’t sound serious when asked me to cut back on spending. My love for you is boundless, and your patience is infinite.
  • My dear hubby, I love you and I know that I can always entrust you my secrets because you never listen to me.
  • I love you despite your terrible snoring every night.
  • Today I love you even more than yesterday and wine I drank today has nothing to do with it!
  • My darling hubby, I love you even more than Sherlock Holmes loves to smoke a pipe.
  • Darling, our marriage is a fairytale for me, I open new facets of your character and I fall in love with you every day except Saturdays because on Saturdays you are annoying.
  • It is very simple to be my husband – just follow my instructions clearly and we will live happily ever after. Kisses.
  • Darling, I was looking in the mirror and decided to send a text message and to say that you’re a hell of a lucky man as you have such a gorgeous wife like me.
  • You are a unique person, at that time, when I do not want to kill you, I love you madly.
  • Even if we quarrel over trifles, I’d rather spend the rest of my life quarreling with you than to be happy without you.
  • I love you so much, my loving hubby, that I am ready to write about my love to you a thousand posts on Facebook.
  • My beloved, nothing unites us more than a joint loan, so I will be bound to you forever. I love you enormously.
  • My hubby, today is our anniversary I’m really happy that my mom’s fears did not come true, you’re still alive, and insanely happy that you married to me.
  • Despite the fact that you play on my nerves, still you’re the best man on earth for me.
  • I wish we were together as often as you visit the kitchen. I send you this text message as a reminder that I miss you and need you.
  • As long as you love me, my faith in you is boundless, I will always be next to you, even if all are against you, I will support you. I love you.
  • Sometimes you call me a thorn, but without me your life would be boring, my beloved hubby! I love you every day more and more, even if I do not tell you about it.

Quote of the day

30+ Short Love Quotes for Her

Short Love Quotes for Her. Love is profound and love quotes for her can help you show her how much you love her. It can often be difficult t...