Funny Witty Quotes Cak Lontong 2017

Funny Witty Quotes  2017 - Cak Lontong is smart comedians from Indonesia, Big tall man was touted as the most intelligent comedian today, capable of entertaining people through the ability to play logic (syllogistic). A typical joke Cak Lontong completely away from slapstick clowning happy laugh and hurt others, play starchy and stereofoam, pushing each other, and the like.
witty Quotes 2017
witty Quotes 2017
here witty Quotes from Cak Lontong that help you to laugh.

Funny Witty Quotes Cak Lontong 2017

Witty quotes about friends
"I want to talk about the issue of fear. Is fear of it matter? Afraid that determines your friends who.
If you are afraid of sin, then you are a friend of the believers.
If you are afraid to lie, then you are a friend pious people.
You are afraid to do good, then you are his demons.
Well, if you are scared of the wife, you my friend!"
Witty quotes about coffee 
The most appropriate time and favors for coffee is after the coffee was so made.
Witty quotes about love
When you are ugly, do not be afraid to love. Because of who should be afraid are the ones you love.
Witty quotes about reading
Reading a half hours per day was the same as reading 30 minutes per day.
Witty quotes about characteristic
One of the characteristics that vendors will make you wide-eyed is ...... turned out to vendors that only two legs!
Witty quotes about wife
I am not afraid of my wife. What I'm afraid of only two in the world, God, and my life partner ...... ..
Witty quotes about studying
Stop studying, because the science was not guilty.
Do not return the favor, not necessarily because Bob did.
Do not sailed the seas, because the bag is more suitable for rice.
Stop also gain knowledge, because knowledge is not in the well.
And do not be proud to be the boss, because in New Market, tops 10 thousand get 3.
Witty quotes about fear
Speaking of fear, I was not the timid. Since birth, I am not a coward. Even when I was born, many people are scared of me. There is a little story that shows I'm not a timid person.
Witty quotes about family
In my village there are about 100 families. 1 hour, my hometown was invaded motorcycle gang. The glass of the house solved. Its name is Chief of RW run. Chairman of RT run. Head of Family run.
Witty quotes about motorcycle
I am the vice-chairman did not run away ... because I am vice-chairman of the motorcycle gang.
Witty quotes about lifestyle
The poor living conditions, simple lifestyle.
Witty quotes about rich
There is no prohibition to be rich, affluent, had everything we needed and wanted. We just do not prohibit religion, let alone me. My cook-ban would prohibit you.
Witty quotes about love
You believe in love? Yes, that makes you laugh and makes you was as if he wanted to cry it out of love. I also stand here because .... money.
Witty quotes about knowing
Why did I say anything? Because I do not like the same people who pretended to know, a lot of talk but not understand. So I kept quiet, so I do not hate myself.
Witty quotes about respect
Please respect me. Do not act anarchists against me. I have grown up, it could burn myself.
Witty quotes about Healthy
Healthy is simple. The key is just one: Do not be sick!
Witty quotes about yesterday
Thank God, yesterday just got up, although only just up the former.
hahahaha... thus funny witty quotes from cak lontong , may be make yo laugh :)

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