15 the Wisest Quotes 2016

15 the Wisest Quotes. There are many quotations of wisdom that you can view on the internet, this kind of quotes many issued by influential figures in the world like the State leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, and many more. Generally the quotations which they say is about the life and motivation in order to continually think and act positively in living the life. And below is 17 wise quote for the provision of  lives.

15 the Wisest Quotes 2016

Adolf Hitler Quote
Adolf Hitler Quote
"Secrets in this life, even if you drop up to seven times, you must rise up to eight times"-Paulo Cuelho-

"Do not let you grab the dispelling of the soul the world but you, Wisdom is better than silver and gold"-Bob Marley-

"If you win, you don't have to explain it. If you lose, you are not supposed to be there to explain it "-Adolf Hitler

"You are your own, just like every person who exists in the universe, is entitled to receive the love and affection you"-Gautama Buddha-

"The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious, but the desire to get the heart is wise"-Maya Angelou-

"Yesterday I was smart, and then I want to change the world. Now I am wiser, and I want to change my life "-Rumi-

"The risks have to be taken because the biggest catastrophe is a life without risk (not doing nothing)" — Leo Buscaglia-

"The more I read, the more I get (Science), the more sure that I don't know anything"-Voltaire-

"Even if you live to 50 or 100 years that it makes no difference, if you don't make a difference in this world"-Jarod Kintz-

"The only people who never make a mistake is the man who never did anything"-Theodore Roosevelt-

"Stupid people don't forgive or forget, naive people forgive and forget, the sages forgive but not forget" the Thomas s. Szasz-

"People who know a little (Science) are usually hand-picked speakers, while people know a lot usually talk a bit"-Jean Jacques Rousseau-

"Sages (wisdom) are getting a lot of enemies, rather than a fool who got it from his friends"-Baltasar Gracian-

"Wisdom is to have the correct something in the life of you, and you know why (you have it)"-William Edgar Stafford-

"You can not teach a person anything, you can only help him find it within himself" – Galileo Galilei –

That's 15  wise quotes from famous people of the world that's for sure you know beforehand such as John Lennon, Adolf Hitler, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. Quotations are so wise that we can use as a motto or slogan in our lives in order for us to be always positive thinking and behave wisely in our daily life

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