5 Love Quotes From Mario Teguh Part1

5 Love Quotes From Mario Teguh Part1. Hello friends i Will post about love quotes and here's a little inspiration to tell your love how you really feel from Mario Teguh. Mario Teguh (Sis Maryono Teguh) is a motivational speaker and consultant from Indonesia. Here's the thing about love: it's hard to put into words. Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy, and can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats. 
Love Quotes MT Part 1
Love Quotes MT Part 1
Luckily, some the world's greatest artists, poets, musicians and hopeless romantics (like ourselves) have managed to articulate the magic of love using words so simple and perfect, sharing them can mean the world.  Here are 5 of the love quotes you will find online from Mario teguh , perfect for sharing with that special someone. We couldn't have put these inspirational phrases better ourselves. 

5 Love Quotes From Mario Teguh P.1

  1. "Stop looking for someone perfect to love, it is better to learn and prepare to become a worthy to be loved."
  2. "Never underestimate the power of prayer. God always hear it, and believe that the shortcomings would not be a barrier. "
  3. "Only love can provide a happy, though sometimes create injured. But love is so special when you give it to him faithful. "
  4. "In life, you have to remember, you're braver than you might expect, much stronger than you know, and smarter than you think."
  5. "You'll have lots of friends if you are interested in them rather than try to make them interested in you." 
  6. Love is the desire to be understood by someone who is really sincere to care. When someone is understandable, he will stand up to anything in this world. 
  7. Love is suffering the most sought loveliest human being. 
  8. My night into a beautiful dawn because of you ... 
  9. Love is best and most beautiful things in the world, can not be seen or even touched. Love must be felt with the heart .. 
  10. Sometimes, when you're close, I lost all my words. And that's when I hope my talk about my feelings for you. 
  11. Love is able to warm the cold heart, like the sun melt the snow mountain. 
  12. If love is just a dream to me, then let me fall asleep forever. 
  13. Love is a bright beam of light in the darkness of night. 
  14. I love you like Simphony loveliest 
  15. When I was in the desert of life, I hope your love will cool the soul. 
  16. If hug represent how much I love you, I'll hold you close forever. 
  17. Love is a mystery that is difficult to understand. Love is happiness that radiates within ourselves, although sometimes it also brings pain. 
  18. I hope this evening just about you. All I wanted was just your peace . 
  19. Brightest morning is when with you, the most beautiful evening was when listening to your voice, be most happy is when have you forever
  20. Never assume normal thing that gives a genuine concern to you, because it would be quite remarkable when you are fragile and fall. 
Maybe it was some Quotations love of Mario latest, and love quotes are often spoken by him during the show or are filled event at some point, maybe with love quotes him that could be an inspiration for those of you, who are now planning to shoot the woman you want, and hopefully with love quotes him above earlier wish you and your spouse could be more romantic and also more understanding of each other.

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