Islamic Quotes about Patience

Read the Islamic Quote as an inspiration for sincerity and patience before complaining and blaming your fate or misfortune. Because after all you are born not just to suffer. There are times when the suffering is not even worth the favors and happiness that you will eventually achieve. Raise the character of your patience so that life will be spared from complaints, curses, let alone despair.
Islamic Quotes about Patience
Islamic Quotes about Patience

Islamic Quotes about Patience

Seek help in Allah with patience and prayer.

The secret of patience is doing something in uncertainty but full of hope.

Allah, comfort me with Thy good pleasure and patient with each test that you sent down.

If only the patient was easy everyone would be doing it already.

In anticipation you will find the beauty of life.

Patience is not boundless. If there is not a limit to the patience.

Those who do not have the patience not able to achieve what they want.

Remember that God is always with those who are patient.

Have patience because everything was very difficult before being transformed into very easily.

Indeed, his name when the patient is in the initial disaster (HR. Bukhari).

May we always patient and enjoy the process of life. Successful or not fully Allah Secret.

Who put up for science, will find it.

Science without religion is a disability, and religion without science is blind.

Fortune men are appointed time. So be patient to accept the resolution.

The ability to control emotions is the difference between the wise and the common man

Patience is a determination, not simply surrender.

The world you see is deceit and falsehood appear like a mirage in the middle of the Sahara

Be patient because the pros will come to those who wait.

Patience will be more beautiful if accompanied by gratitude.

Patient trials and misfortunes happy for sure all is from God.

Before you put up with everything, be patient with yourself first.

Each patient will be replaced with a win.

Patience is not just about how to wait, but how best to wait.

Patience exemplified the prophet to the people is enough to be a good role model.

Patience is the best cure for all problems.

Patience can expand your heart with spiritual peace.

Gratitude is sometimes more exalted position of the patient. So do not leave them.

Patience is how we are looking forward in finding a solution to every problem.

Beautiful patient, that is preparation for life that will never end.

O God, pour upon us patience and let us die surrender to you.

Allah promised not limited to those who are looking forward to the test.

All prayer that man will surely come true. Be patient in waiting time.

Patience is not just about resignation but also the will and determination.

Patience does not mean that we are willing to accept everything

Patience is like the sun that illuminates the whole blood flow in the body.

Patience and gratitude is genuine happiness formula.

It would be the extent of God's earth, but if the time comes, when destiny comes then became the narrow space.

Islam is the path of devotion, the horizon of virtue, righteousness, and peace, physical and psychical

He who diligently runs on the course then surely it will reach its destination.

Walk with patience, even though life is not always happy.

We will never know how menyembaNya before we start with how to love Him.

If someone insulted you, be patient, be merciful to him because he did not know how to praise.

Donated one of patience, but your soul is no longer able to survive.

Signs patience is not to mention the inconvenience, not to mention the pain, and not flatter yourself.

When you wait in anger, then you've saved thousands of remorse.

Each patience will reap wonderful results. There was no wait in vain.

No one was given a gift of a better and more comprehensive than patience.
Such an Islamic quote of patience that can inspire you in the face of life.:)

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