70 Motivational Quotes option 2017

Wise Quotes 2017- Motivational Quotes 2017 about life and love.In Motivational below, there are many lessons which you can find as well as take. When you read or hear a word of wisdom, then don't just written in order to give rise to an impression of beautiful sheer. However, the side that is better is practicing the wise thing in our daily lives.
70 Motivational Quotes option 2017
70 Motivational Quotes option 2017

70 Motivational Quotes option 2017

  1. “You do not live at once. You only die once and live every day.”
  2. “We will never know the real answer, before you try.”
  3. “Tranquility can be found when we are with God.”
  4. “If you want the respect of others, you must respect yourself first.”
  5. “Nothing is impossible. Anything can happen as long as we believe.”
  6. “The more we are grateful, the more happiness we get.”
  7. “Your biggest mistake is dying including your poverty.”
  8. “Be a strong wall in the hard times and be a smiling sun in the good times.”
  9. “Honesty is the currency of wherever you are.”
  10. “Do not blame your past, because the past will never change.”
  11. “Be the good, because God loves the goodness.”
  12. “Every successful person must have a failure. Do not be afraid to fail because failure is a part of success.”
  13. “When someone left you, do not cry because that is the message that you’re going to get a better one.”
    Motivational Quotes
    Motivational Quotes
  14. “Trouble is your best friend. It makes you stronger and more understanding about life.”
  15. “Never give up, fix mistakes, and keep stepping.”
  16. “The happiness will come when you are able to make other people happy.”
  17. “Our life is very difficult, but there are millions of people with a more difficult life out there.”
  18. “Use your time wisely and do not waste even for a minute.”
  19. “Be yourself because pretending is so painful.”
  20. “Complaining will never solve the problem. Stop complaining and take action!”
  21. “A fear will only make you weak and lose confidence. Ignore the fear and proceed your step!”
  22. “There is a moment to talk and there is a moment to be silent.”
  23. “If you do not know a fact, silence will be the best way.”
  24. “God’s plan is always more beautiful than our desire.”
  25. “Do not put off what you should do today. Delaying only makes your behind.”
  26. “If you want to get something that you never own, you must do something that you never done before.”
  27. “The most difficult thing in life is a self-defeating.”
  28. “No one can change the past, but everyone has a power to change the future.”
  29. “Cowards always avoid the difficulty while brave are always looking for an opportunity in a difficult situation.”
  30. “Dreaming is the first step that you have to make. While, the act is the next step that you have to do.”
  31. “You will get a true friend when you are at the very bottom of wheel.”
  32. “Wipe your tears and tell yourself that life must go on.”
  33. “There is no success without a sacrifice and there is no success without hardness.”
  34. “Keep smiling when getting into trouble is a sign that we are strong.”
  35. “Smile is a simple way of enjoying life.”
  36. “Reality is not always in line with expectations. So, prepare yourself to face the poor reality.”
  37. “If you love someone, do not make her cry even though only a few minutes.”
  38. “Your eyes can see the things clearly. But with your heart, you can see the truth even without eyes.”
  39. “The determiner of the future is only you and not your parents or siblings.”
  40. “The real friends are those who continue to accompany you even when you do not have anything.”
  41. “Success is an achievement. While, struggling is a must.”
  42. “Do not focus about other people’s opinions, but only focus of our revenue.”
  43. “God will never give you a problem which bigger than your ability.”
  44. “Competition is so tiring, but we will be left behind if does not participate in the competition.”
  45. “Do a kindness right now.”
  46. “Stop looking for reasons why you are poor. Instead, try to find on how to be rich.”
  47. “Use your youth as good as possible.”
  48. “The higher your position, the more responsibility you have.”
  49. “Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody.”
  50. “The big happiness is a collection of the long time struggle.”
  51. “Speak politely, then people will respect you.”
  52. “Anger, resentment, and hatred are the destroyer of your fortune today.”
  53. “Jealousy is a sign that love should hane each other.”
  54. “Forget the failures, but always remember a lesson from every failure you got.”
  55. “You cannot live without love.”
  56. “Receiving your beloved without complaining is a sign that you are grateful to God.”
  57. “If you lose be patient. If you win, stay humble.”
  58. “Sincere is an invaluable wealth.”
  59. “Be a young who love parents and fears God.”
  60. “Feeling unferior is a sign that you do not deserve to your current condition.”
  61. “A young person who will be successful is never give up before get the success on his hand.”
  62. “When you have a lot of desires, you must involve a lot of action.”
  63. “The past is not always as the way you want, but the future can be designed as you like.”
  64. “A beautiful woman is not always having an appeal.”
  65. “Poverty is not a shameful thing, but laziness and pessimism are exactly embarrassing.”
  66. “People who are not useful will have a lot of useless talk.”
  67. “Patience is needed when you want to achieve a success.”
  68. “Choose a woman who is able to work hard and do not choose a woman who just can sue your life.”
  69. “Industrious people certainly beat those smart even though in a long time.”
  70. When you decide to quit, then do not stop when you are tired, stop when you have completed all you started.

So your motivation quote can you make an afterthought to bounce back.

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